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Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2017

Montag, 18. Juli 2016

My Pet: Why a tarantula is a weird pet to me

To truely explain my thoughts I should tell you something about myself.

I have always had cats as pets. Also rabbits once. Fluffy animals, looking for contact. You can touch them and they demand food, water and other things twice a day as a minimum. I really love touching animals and petting them. I like feeling their warmth a lot and I feel like they can comfort me no matter how bad the situation I'm in is. So it's all about contact, touching and feelings. A bond you build.

A tarantula on the other hand just jerks around all day. (Well, mine do.) There is no specific connection between you and your tarantula. You don't have to feed it every day. It doesn't really make sounds. It is just there, doing stuff and things and being very very boring to be honest. There are times where the tarantula won't move for days. And then there are days when it starts climbing the walls of the terrarium and doing stupid stuff all day like attacking their watering.

I heard giving animals a name helps connecting to them, so I did. But Calypso is still some kind of a walking decoration in my room. After a whole year. So please don't demand attention or love from a tarantula. This won't make you happy.

Plus, I never took her out of her terrarium to place her on my hand. It is very stressful for them, so please don't do this or just very seldom.

It turned out most of my friends and family aren't as scared of them as I thought they'd be. I guess it has something to do with the so called fear of the unknown, but I'm not sure about it. Might be your parents or friends kill your tarantula in an instant, so be careful.

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016

Playlist: Sleepless Brain

Egypt, February 2016

This is just one of my recent playlists. I really love the quiet kind of music it contains. Especially nice for chilling or studying. (At least for me.)

I hope you like it.

It contains some better known songs and some less known. This wasn't intentional, it just happened.
This time I only picked them by their mood, looking for some not to fast and quiet songs.

Montag, 6. Juni 2016

Fotos: Down by the river

I've never been a nature loving person (in fact I don't really like going outside because I have a really light skintone and get sunburnt easy) but sometimes even I go out for a walk and look for nice places to hang out. The town I live in right now has some green spots and parks but nothing really relaxing. There are just too many people wherever you go. Here I had all the advantages of forest, water and birds. Like a lot birds.
I found a new very nice one which was recommended and shown to me by a very special person. The song 'Down by the river' came to my mind and just as relaxing as the song is, was the place itself. We spent about an hour there and went back as the sun began to go down.

I don't really want to spend much words on this since it's something I can't describe well to someone who hasn't been there. But the place was very inspiring and I guess you can see how happy I was to be there. I guess even I need to go out once in a while.^^

Shirt: Tokyo Theory
Phone Case: Headcase

Montag, 16. Mai 2016

Fotos: Verlorene Orte

Manchmal werden mir Menschen einfach zu viel und ich muss einfach weg. Nicht zwingend weit weg, aber an Orte, die keine Menschen beinhalten. Was ist da besser als so genannte 'Lost Places'?

Ich hatte ein bisschen Wirbel im Privatleben, da war ein bisschen Abstand zur Realität ganz gut. Ich schnappte mir also meinen besten Freund um mit ihm joggen zu gehen. Das hilft ja angeblich den Kopf frei zu bekommen. Und was wir fanden, hat mich umgehauen.

Ich will nicht viel dazu sagen, genießt einfach einige der Aufnahmen. Ich war bisher leider nur mit meinem Handy da, vielleicht komme ich irgendwann mit einer besseren Kamera zurück.