Donnerstag, 31. März 2016

My pet tarantula(s)

 I have to admit, my pet is a tarantula. And this is my story how I got them.

Having a tarantula as a pet is some kind of weird. And there will be people including your friends or family that are scared of them and want to send you to hell as soon as they hear about it.
Sometimes your tarantula might be pissed off of your sight and hides, here to be seen. (This is a joke.)

Well, I didn't care and got myself some fluffy, eight-legged friends.

I don't know when I first heard about tarantulas. I guess I was a child, watching TV or something like that. They looked awesome and I've never been scared of any kind of spiders, so the next time my parents took me to the zoo I watched them very interested.

After that, nothing happened for a very long time. With 18 my hairdresser told me about her tarantulas, so I visited her place to go see them. And it was so awesome. Don't get me wrong, her tarantula didn't do any tricks. It was just an unbelievable majestic creature. And I was allowed to let it walk over my hand which was even more breathtaking than seeing that beautiful animal caged inside a terrarium.

It appeared there would be a fair soon, not too far away from my hometown. So I grabbed my boyfriend (who liked the tarantulas, too) and we drove there with my car. It was only an hour away and we both were so excited.

My Tarantula (Acanthoscurria Geniculata)
When we got there, we really didn't know where to go first. There were so many merchants with their stuff. Like.. there were snakes, frogs, tiny animals you usually use to feed your pets, chameleons, tarantulas and so much more! I still can't name most of the animals I've seen there. So we walked through the hall, trying to take a look at everything to find out what we really want. But of course we decided to go for tarantulas.

After hours we had bought 10 tarantulas, a big terrarium, a lightbulb, and lots of things to make their life better. (Turned out most of the things we've bought were bullshit and we had to replace them.)
I wanted a bigger one for myself. I thought it would be easier to handle and the smaller ones weren't as pretty to me. They all looked the same - light brown with a big black dot on their butt. Mine already looked more specific. It is a brown-black one, with white stripes on the legs and red hair in her butt. I like the looks a lot. I usually say it wears kneesocks, which seems cute to me. 

We drove home and well, this is how my tarantula story began. 

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