Presents for birthdays, christmas, ...
don't give away presents on these days? Well then, you could skip this
part. But every boy loves getting presents. Why not give him one here
and then? There are a lot of present-possibilities these days. Movies,
clothes, parfume, .. and you could spend all day online or in the city
choosing the right thing for him. And as soon as he sees it, he's some
kind of disappointed or maybe he doesn't like it.
come on. You already realized that he's into games. A LOT. Why don't
you just give him the new game he wanted? Or that special game he talked
about? Maybe some old game he played when he was young? Please don't
tell yourself not to, just because you don't know much about games. It's
pretty easy. Have you ever heard about Steam, Origin or something like
that? Maybe the PSNetwork, depending on the kind of games he plays?
There are possibilities to mark favourite games and often there is a wishlist.
And people don't put things on wishlists if they don't want to have
them, right? SO just check out his wishlist. OR get him a paysafe card.
This might be the easiest version of all (and the one with the less
thoughts put in it, but he won't care, I guess.)
you know how much merchandise there is for games? So if you know some
of his favourite games or even characters, you could get him something
with that stuff on. (Maybe not a pen, or a makeup-bag, just sayin').
But there a lot of cool posters or action figures. Maybe a pillow.
[Edit: My
boyfriend told me, that almost everything is okay as long as that game
is on. Maybe not a basecap, if your boy isn't into wearing them. And
according to him, even plushies are fine. He's actually jealous because I
have a Poro (League of Legends) and he doesn't.]
-Before you read this, please remember I'm from germany and I don't know where you're from-
people like concerts, right? There is something like this for gamers.
Sometimes, for example LOL, has events like the finals at the end of
every season, and you can buy tickets for it. Or Conventions, like the
gamescom (which is awesome by the way). I bet he'd love to get one or
more tickets for it.
The negative thing about it: he might not take you with him. Please
don't expect him to do so, especially if he knows that you're not that
interested in games. Just use that day/evening for a nice meeting
with your girls or other friends instead ;).
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